Rates Accomodation and Dolphin Tour
Accommodation and Rates
Check in time is at 3pm and Checkout is at 10am.
Day Trips include meals and a boat tour to Moon Reef, the home of the resident spinner dolphins.
Whether you want to stay or just play for the day, we look forward to seeing you.
Our room rates are as follows :
Family room rates (2 adults and 2 children below age of 12 OR 3 adults)......$285 per night
Double room rate (Accommodates 2 adults) ……………........................…...$250 per night
Single room rate (Accommodates one person)………………........................ $150 per night
Dorm room rate ................................................…...…......…..........................$115 per night
Groups love the Dolphin Watch Tour to Moon Reef |
Group Bookings
We offer special rates for group bookings and conferences,![]()
please contact us by phone or send us an email.
please contact us by phone or send us an email.
M +679 9916338 / +679 9208282
Dolphin Watch Tour
Moon Reef is the home of the local pod of spinner dolphins, who enter the reef early in the morning and depart to hunt at sea every afternoon. Daily boat tours to watch the dolphins and swim or snorkel on the reef are FJD $350 VIP
If you are an in house guest the rate is FJD $150 per person.
If you are an in house guest the rate is FJD $150 per person.
For your safety, our boats are insured, fully equipped with life jackets for each passenger, and our informative captains are all licensed Boat Masters.
Day Trips
Day trips to Takalana Bay including meals and Dolphin Watch Tour are FJD $350/pp including return transfer from the hotel within the Suva area. Email us for bookings.
Beautiful scenary, very peaceful, and i am wishing for Pei and Co to clean up a trek down to the beach so i can bring my fishing lines or spear when i come next time!...lolsss
Vinaka Takalana!!!!